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A Day to Remember

Posted on May 1, 2012 by Milkwood Admin

Entertaining, delightful, fun-filled, insightful…just some of the feedback following the first National Care Home Open Day that took place on 21st June. Each of our seven homes hosted events on this wonderful day, which was initially set up to encourage positive links between care homes and their local communities.

Our staff did us proud and hosted a day to remember, each hosting events that were filled with amusing and thought-provoking activity! From line dancing to farm animals and traditional cream teas, there really was something for every member of the community to enjoy. We hope to build on the connections that were initiated on this day to further involve our communities in the day-to-day running of the homes. We would also like to thank each and every one of you that helped out with organising the events and for those who came along and made the day so very special for our residents and staff.

Our homes are certainly filled with unique, intelligent and charming characters and we hope that the Open Day created an opportunity for others to see what we see…that our homes are inspiring places to be and that the care that we provide enriches our residents lives.

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