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Activities Team of The Year

Posted on December 2, 2021 by Milkwood Admin

To finish our summary about “Trophy Thursday”, we finished the evening of Thursday 2nd December at the Athena Hotel, Leicester, for the national Caring UK 2021 awards where Castleford House Lifestyles Coordinations team had been nominated for the “Activities Team of the Year” award. The awards are a national event that “celebrates excellence throughout the care industry and recognise team efforts across the UK.”
There has been such a buzz about this nomination ever since the team was shortlisted on 12th October. Just to make the finals means that they are already officially one of the best activities teams in the UK, out of thousands of others. The 2021 awards saw a record number of entries, meaning that just to be shortlisted was a monumental achievement,
Representing the team was home management Ben Miller and Katherine King and, of course, the “Pink Ladies” Amelia and Beth. The event itself is a black tie event, complete with reception and meal meaning that the long drive and cold weather are worth it just for participating. The team had extensively researched their “competition” and knew that it would be extremely difficult to bring the award home. A lot of thought and effort had gone into the nomination entry, supported amazingly by a lot of relatives/visitors.
The Lifestyles Coordinations team have had a year to remember, putting so many smiles on people’s faces with events that vary from the subtle to the sublime. They made “Cheesecake Tuesdays” a thing, they took people on a flight and a cruise, they created a waterslide that anyone could use, they had the “Inking and Drinking” event that is STILL being talking about across the country and was featured in newspapers, magazines, websites, various social media outlets and even American news! Nobody could debate that their nomination wasn’t deserved.
The shock and surprise when “Castleford House, Chepstow” was announced was overwhelming. In one evening Castleford House had picked up two awards, this time a national one! Castleford House Lifestyles Coordinations team are the best activities team in the UK in 2021! On Thursday 2nd December Castleford House became a double award-winning nursing home! Congratulations Amelia and Beth, as much of a shock that it was, it was definitely well-deserved!
Once the shock has worn off and the magnitude at what this team has achieved has settled in, we will aim to celebrate this Outstanding accomplishment in-house with a party and other events. Hopefully people won’t tire of hearing the term “award-winning” anytime soon, because that’s what we are – “award-winning” and “Outstanding”.

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