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Afternoon Tea Party

Posted on November 9, 2021 by Milkwood Admin

This afternoon, on popular request, we held an afternoon tea party!
We joined together in our makeshift café area, where we had scones, cupcakes and cappuccinos, listening to Ed Sheeran (Josie’s request), whilst the room filled with the smell of coffee brewing to create the perfect café atmosphere.
People requested scones, but one of our residents challenged Amelia to create “fun, but different” cakes. We think this was achieved with some Cookie Monster cupcakes! The cakes have gone down a storm. One resident, who was a big fan, said: “they’re lovely. The student becomes the master!”
All the residents enjoyed their afternoon in the Castleford Café. One of our ladies’ loved having the DJ privileges and controlled the Alexa for the event. Everyone who joined us enjoyed Ed Sheeran.

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