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Banger Extravaganza!

Posted on May 1, 2012 by Milkwood Admin

Milkwood Care is all set to celebrate a slightly unusual connection to our business over the next couple of weeks. Dylan Thomas, a well renowned poet, was a source of inspiration when the company was first established. Our first home was named after Thomas’ most famous work ‘Under Milkwood’.

Swansea, being Thomas’ hometown, will be teaming with poetic events right up until 9th November. With four of our homes based in Wales we are well aware of the yearly events that take place to celebrate Thomas’ work, but this year things are hotting up as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of his birth. We have decided to join in with the celebrations and bring the party into every Milkwood home.

As the Bonfire Night is fast approaching, we thought we’d tie-in the firework fun and create a real ‘Banger Extravaganza’! We commissioned O’Hagan’s, based in Chichester, to create a ‘Dylan Thomas Banger’ and they came up with a winning recipe of lamb, leeks and beer – a perfect combination to highlight the Welsh connection!

So with the 1000’s of sausages awaiting their sizzling moment, fireworks at the ready, we are well equipped to get the party started with a BANG! Please do come and join us at any one of our homes to sample the meaty delights and gather under the stars for a firework spectacular.

Only the best fresh, local ingredients for our Dylan Thomas Bangers!

Only the best fresh, local ingredients for our Dylan Thomas Bangers!

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