Bird man Bill Atkin
Posted on May 1, 2012 by Milkwood Admin
Bill has been a keen birdman for many years. Being a true countryman and perfectionist he has managed to gain several medals for whatever interest he may have turned his hand to over the years. When he first came to Milkwood he often talked about his prize-winning canaries and how he missed them. He secured his first Trophies and medals for them when he was only18 years of age. Manager Lianne and one of our Domestics Shaun put their heads together… Shaun a keen birdman himself took Bill to choose a bird. They came home with Percy a Buff Canary; He was beautiful rather than handsome. So realizing He was a She, was not so surprising! Bill really wanted a male so he would sing (only cock birds sing). So once Percy had settled in, the hunt began for a suitable male. Cara Arrived (named after a carer) neither bird minded being called by non-gender specific names… So much so that they have now mated, Two days after sharing a cage! – Watch this space. I think you can see the Joy in Bills face in these photos.
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