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Calling All Sport Lovers

Posted on July 5, 2013 by Milkwood Admin

At Milkwood Care we are busy planning our Sport & Recreation Event which is due to take place over the Summer.
Over the years we have not only seen vast improvement in the flexibility and general all round well-being of the residents that choose to take part in physical activity; we have noticed that with many of our residents, sporting activities have been seen to bring back memories to those that have enjoyed the same or similar sports at a younger age.

A recent report has recognised a pioneering scheme which ‘encourages elderly to recall their favourite sporting moments’.
The report talks about a Salford Rugby Football Club fan and his Father; an eighty year old with severe dementia. His son takes him along to watch the match every week and is sure that his Father will ask the same questions week in week out, about the credentials of the game, what the score is etc. But, to his amazement, his Dad recalls every rule, tackle,
tactic there is to know about rugby league. Memories are sparked from the depths of his brain; memories that are somewhat clouded over before the match begins, but as the whistle blows, he remembers!

Due to the pioneering research that has been undertaken by the Sporting Memories Network, it is becoming rather more clear to us all that sport can unlock memory. Having seen the developments of our residents in small home-based sporting activities, we can see the potential on a grander scale! We are planning a Sport & Recreation Event for Summer 2013
in our homes, which will see our residents and staff joining in with and remembering much loved sporting events and memories.

We already support many local sports teams and recreational groups in their quest to go places and are currently searching to help more. If you feel that we could help you, where better to seek that help than in the hands of a specialist care provider whose aim is to first and foremost care for our residents in the best way possible, but also we believe that our local communities are there to be cared for too.

So please get in touch and see how we can pave a future together that looks rosy and bright and full promise…

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