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Posted on October 21, 2021 by Milkwood Admin

Today, for the first time, we held our own Oktoberfest! We brought a piece of Bavaria to Castleford using traditional Oktoberfest decorations and a scenic view of Bavaria in the Severn Lounge! Some of the residents also joined in with the fancy dress and they looked amazing!

For lunch Jack, our chef today, served us some traditional German food, including bratwurst sausages! The food was a massive hit and helped get people ready for the party! People have celebrated Oktoberfest with German beers and listened and danced to polka and folk music! One resident, who has struggled with his mobility, enjoyed the atmosphere we created so much he managed to stand up independently and dance with Amelia! It was a fantastic achievement for him and he said: “it was great to get up and have a dance!”

he party didn’t just stay downstairs, we managed to visit the two residents, who were in their rooms, to make sure they felt included. One thought the costumes were brilliant and has laughed non stop! She said: “you can always get a laugh from me!” Our party girl, thought the event was “excellent”, told us: “you could have fooled me, I thought we were in Germany!” This was incredible feedback and really made us like we succeeded. The afternoon was a huge success, everyone was on their ‘wurst’ behaviour and we fully intended to make this an annual event!

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