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Postcards of kindness

Posted on March 2, 2020 by Milkwood Admin

Written By Beth

We are delighted at Castleford to become members of the ‘Postcards of Kindness’ group. The group is an online Facebook group that nursing homes and individuals can join. People from all over Great Britain and the world send us lovely postcards for us to read and share with our residents. If there’s a return address, we enjoy writing our replies together. We tell them all about our week at Castleford and likes and dislikes. We have received postcards and letters  from all over the UK and we have also received some from Australia, Germany and Italy. 

We will also be expanding the postcards of kindness to include a more personal touch by inviting visitors and members of staff to choose at random a residents name and then when they go on holiday to write that resident a personalised postcard.

And to expand it further we have been in contact with a local school who have also joined postcards of kindness, they have written us some cards and would like to hand deliver them to us and read their cards to the residents themselves. 

We at Castleford are really pleased how a simple idea has taken off so well.

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