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Red Nose Fun

Posted on May 1, 2012 by Milkwood Admin

Milkwood House had great fun on Red Nose Day last week. Deputy Manager Sharon took a vow of silence for one whole hour….no mean feat and a real challenge for a chatterbox! Other staff members took over on the phones and had to talk on behalf of Sharon as she struggled to keep her lips sealed. Carer, Nathan, had his legs waxed which certainly amused some of the residents as he squirmed in pain each time another patch was plucked from his leg. Activity Co-ordinator, Elsa, drank a pint of mushy peas in one minute; a task that would turn the most hardy of stomachs. Whilst all this was occurring, Tara was being splatted with cream as people took turns to throw pies at her face! The afternoon’s events certainly entertained the residents and we look forward to hearing the official sum that was raised. Well done Milkwood House.

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