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Scottish country dancing

Posted on May 1, 2012 by Milkwood Admin

One of our residents Muriel used to teach Scottish Country Dancing. So, come Burns Night I thought I might try to find a SCD group to celebrate with a few reels. After many calls and disappointments I was given the number Kathy Lowman and one last group, a long shot, as they would have to travel a distance. Lo and behold! On explaining we had a Scottish resident who taught SCD, the Reply was “Is her name Muriel? -­ Muriel is the best; She encouraged and assessed me to become a Teacher. We all have fond memories of Muriel.” What a result! We all had a lovely, lively afternoon and Muriel and Kathy had time together for some Reminiscence.

Kathleen and Olga - Around we go

Kathleen and Olga – Around we go

Dancers with Northumbrian pipes - Smaller for quieter sound and  a lower ceiling!

Dancers with Northumbrian pipes – Smaller for quieter sound and a lower ceiling!

Kathy Lowman and Muriel going over old times

Kathy Lowman and Muriel going over old times

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