Wimbledon, topped with strawberries & cream
Posted on May 1, 2012 by Milkwood Admin
Residents of Chatterwood had a fabulous day celebrating Wimbledon! During the morning a range of games played, this involved:
• Bat & ball – This was similar to tennis, however we used a soft ball and a small bat.
• Cricket – Resident, Daisy proved to be amazing! She had great control of the ball and managed to hit it every time.
• Tray ball – For this game, we had a tray and residents had to throw balls onto it without them rolling off the tray. Ray won this game, scoring a total of 6 balls to stay on the tray!
Entertainer, George, popped along during the afternoon to sing a range of well known songs… he had all our residents singing along! And finally, we enjoyed a buffet tea, strawberries and cream and a glass of cherryade punch, all whilst sitting back and watching Wimbledon.
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