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Doll Therapy at Castleford

Posted on May 1, 2012 by Milkwood Admin

About doll therapy

The use of dolls can bring great benefit to some people with a diagnosis of dementia, particuarly those in the later stages.

Doll therapy involves making a doll available to the person to hold or sit with, and it is a recognisable form of therapy used to help dementia patients. One of the many ways that doll therapy is enjoyed is through health care assistants – it allows for the assistant to put responsibility, caring and structure back into the lives of those afflicted with the disease.

The benefits of doll therapy

Doll therapy has different benefits for each resident. Some may find that they get enjoyment, simply by holding and being with the doll, whereas for other residents the doll has a more deeper and personal meaning. We have found that the dolls remind our residents of a time when they had young children of their own and therefore, many of our residents feel affection and reminiscence in the feeling.

Introducing doll therapy has been proven to succesfully inspire a renewed sense of purpose, which can lead to increased activity levels and liveliness. Ultimtaely, implementing doll therapy within Castleford, has helped our residents fulfil an important need, which is simply to nurture.

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