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Postcard Penpals

Posted on June 3, 2021 by Milkwood Admin

2020 tested our skills as lifestyles coordinators. With everything locking down and many restrictions on who we could let into our home, it meant that connections to the outside world became virtual, which was quite alien to a lot of our residents. We decided to reach out to people in an old fashioned, but very reliable, way. We created a penpal group and either individually or as a group activity, we made our own postcards and sent them out to nursing homes across the country. We also struck up a relationship with a lovely lady in Newport, who writes to the residents regularly, telling us what she has been up to. The residents have loved receiving the letters from her and writing back, letting her know all the things that we have been doing. Even with lockdown easing, which will allow us to welcome more visitors back into our home, the residents still enjoy writing to and receiving letters from their penpals. The excitement we feel when we receive letters from our friends brightens our days and most definitely puts smiles on our faces.

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