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The MilkyWay

Posted on October 9, 2015 by Milkwood Admin

It is with some sadness that we report the demise of our quarterly newsletter “The MilkyWay”. The first edition came out back in 2001, and was cut and pasted by hand, in those days before our lap-tops could do it all for us.

It started as a newsletter for Milkwood House, the first home in the group, and had a circulation of about 25 copies. In its 14-year life it evolved to become bigger, glossier and represented life in all the Milkwood Care homes. At its peak over 800 copies were printed and circulated.

But we are now going full circle. We are returning to newsletters prepared individually for each home. This new “family” of letters will give more local information to our residents, their friends and families, and to the local professional support teams.

Good-bye MilkyWay.


Milkyway ISSUE 12.pdf, page 1 @ Preflight

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